Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Coworker's Cubicle Zoo No Longer Amusing

Accounts payable clerk John Delpino released a statement to the entire department Monday afternoon, in which he declared that his coworker, Julie Hallendale, and her cubicle zoo have become too annoying for words.

Onlookers described Delpino as both "sweaty" and "agitated" during his eleven minute rant. "He made a pretty decent flow chart marking the points where Julie and her little plastic animals went from tolerable to intolerable over the fourth quarter of last year. I was sold," says office manager Len Gryzb.

Critics, however, charge that Hallendale's drastic downward plunge in "worth" coincided exactly with the drunken holiday party "where she wouldn't let John grope her breasts despite the triple-dog-dare."


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